Steven Rector, MD (ER) from Atlanta, Georgia uses Chyma and says:
This software has promise. I’ve never seen a physician scheduling system that wasn’t paper based.
Ian Cohen, MD from Toronto, Ontario uses Chyma and says:
Chyma can be the scheduler for your entire practice. We have a physician schedule, a pediatrics schedule, a receptionist schedule. It’s quite practical. Chyma lends itself to small clinics but certainly has the flexibility to manage larger clinics with multiple schedules and multiple physicians… The receptionist used to call doctors to arrange shift changes, but now any Chyma-arranged shift change easily pays its expense.
Ann Henderson, MD from Sudbury, Ontario uses Chyma and says:
Chyma actually got me using computers! I’ve never used a computer. I love the way it works; the simplicity.
Guy-Paul Gagné, MD from Montreal, Quebec uses Chyma, and on being introduced to Chyma’s shift scheduling feature for the first time, said:
My secretary could spend half a day locating a doctor. That time lost has a huge cost component, not to mention inconvenience to the patient.
Mark Fletcher, MD from Halifax, Nova Scotia uses Chyma and says:
Now that shift changes are in real-time we have a good, current up-to-date schedule, and the software has solved a lot of the problems that can occur when physicians start trading shifts. We’ve had very few missed shifts since we’ve been on Chyma.
Jeremy Mickolwin, MD from Burnaby, British Columbia uses Chyma and says:
Chyma? Absolutely brilliant. We needed something to minimize the time and energy spent on creating and managing shifts for forty doctors.
On pandemic preparedness, Dennis Reich, MD from Sudbury, Ontario says:
Pandemic preparedness means knowing where your resources are at all times. Being able to access physicians to coordinate and communicate critical information in most imperative. When the key players in the healthcare system want to coordinate cross-institutional communications, Chyma can help solve that problem.